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Where Healing Meets Purpose - Caraiva Brazil

If you yearn for profound healing and a deeper connection to your soul’s mission, immerse yourself in the wisdom of Mother Ayahuasca. Through sacred ceremonies and transformative practices, you’ll transform past wounds into sources of strength and emerge with a renewed sense of purpose and direction, awakening to the profound wisdom of your own inner master.

As you enter the sacred space of the ayahuasca ceremony, you feel Mother Ayahuasca’s gentle presence enveloping your soul.

A profound understanding washes over you, illuminating the deep lessons that life has been trying to teach you. Suddenly, the purpose of your existence becomes crystal clear, and you feel a sense of absolute clarity and knowing.

As the ceremony unfolds, you experience a profound shift within your being. It’s as if the weight of the past has been lifted, and you are free to step into a new chapter of your life. With each vision, you feel a deep sense of peace,

knowing that you are exactly where you are meant to be.

Wandering through the village, you meet the local tribes. Their wisdom, passed down through generations, is evident in their way of life. You learn from their rich traditions, participate in body paintingherbal baths, and traditional sacred ceremonies, and connect with their deep respect for nature.

Welcome to Caraiva Brazil!

In this magical land, sunsets and moonrises paint the sky in ways you’ve never seen. The elements conspire to create moments of awe.

You witness the mesmerizing spectacle of the sunset and moonrise occurring simultaneously—a rare and precious gift from the universe.

In the company of like-minded souls, you form deep bonds of friendship and support. Together, you explore the lush jungle trails, swim between rivers and the ocean, and share heartfelt conversations around the warmth of a campfire.

You have the most magnificent feeling that your life will never quite be the same…

WHAT am I going to experience?

Through Ayahuasca ceremonies, guided meditation, workshops, and connecting with the indigenous people of Brazil, you’ll expand your consciousness, heal past traumas, practice self-discovery, and align with your true purpose.
This retreat is designed to strengthen your connection to your inner master and live your highest potential in alignment with your soul mission. In this challenging world of ours, learning to align with our purpose is crucial for feeling proud, fulfilled, and genuinely happy with our lives.
We also suggest immersing yourself in the breathtaking beauty of Caraiva, where the river meets the ocean, creating a sacred portal believed to amplify intentions and manifest dreams. and you will cross this river and make your wish.

You will experience profound Ayahuasca ceremonies, where Mother Ayahuasca will help you release emotions and traumas that no longer serve you, guiding you to rebirth into a new version of yourself and understand the life lessons you need to learn.

Throughout the retreat, you’ll participate in three transformative Ayahuasca ceremonies. The first ceremony focuses on releasing everything that holds you back, the second on rebirth and stepping into your new self, and the third on aligning with your life purpose. Daily yoga classes and powerful breathwork sessions will rejuvenate your body and mind, bringing you into perfect harmony for this transformative experience.

We also invite you to witness the awe-inspiring beauty of the full moon rising from the ocean during a special beach ceremony. You will also engage in other sacred ceremonies honoring the four elements – Earth, Fire, Water, and Ether – each holding an important aspect of your evolution. You’ll have the privilege of staying in a beautiful boutique hotel right on the oceanfront, where you can marvel at the sunrise every morning and the moonrise every evening.

Craving Magic & Miracles?

For centuries, deep in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, indigenous tribes have guarded the sacred knowledge of Ayahuasca, a powerful plant medicine capable of inducing profound spiritual experiences and facilitating deep healing.
This potent brew, crafted from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and the leaves of the Psychotria viridis shrub, has been used in ceremonial contexts to help individuals gain insights into their life purpose, heal past traumas, and connect with a higher level of consciousness.
The Transformative Journey
As you journey deeper into the Ayahuasca experience, you may find yourself confronting your deepest fears and limitations, shedding the layers of your ego, and emerging reborn, with a newfound sense of purpose and connection to the divine.
Many participants describe this experience as a form of ego death, followed by a profound spiritual awakening that can be equivalent to 20 years of therapy. With newfound clarity, compassion, and resilience, you’ll be equipped to navigate life’s challenges and embrace your true purpose.

Guided by Experienced Shamans

Now you’ll have the opportunity to step into this ancient lineage, under the guidance of experienced shamans who have dedicated their lives to serving as conduits for the healing power of the sacred vine.
Our shamans have trained extensively  in the Amazon, learning the intricacies of Ayahuasca and the sacred rituals that surround it, ensuring an authentic and transformative experience.
By embracing the wisdom and healing potential of mother Ayahuasca, We can go through a profound transformation, spiritual growth, and the realization of our deepest purpose in this lifetime.

Is your soul ready to start on a journey of profound healing and self-discovery? So Join us in this soulful purpose retreat in the heart of Caraiva, a magical rainforest land of the native indigenous people of Bahia

Healing is not a destination, but a journey. Ayahuasca provides the map, but you must walk the path.

Jessica, I Hear My Soul Calling. I’m Joining Your Retreat to Find My Way!

Our Venues

Get ready to be amazed by our incredible beachfront retreat venue in the stunning location of Caraiva, Brazil. It’s right on the beach, so you can enjoy the sand and sea anytime you want.  We’ve got private rooms and shared rooms, so you can choose what works best for you and your budget.

The location is just perfect. You’ll be able to soak up the sun, take in the stunning sunrising, and even enjoy the full moon right from the beach. It’s a 10-night retreat, so you’ll have plenty of time to relax, unwind, and connect with other like-minded people.

The rooms are super comfy and spacious. If you want some alone time, go for a private room with a cozy double bed. Or, if you’re looking to make some new friends, opt for a shared room with single beds. It’s a great way to bond with your fellow retreat buddies.

Jessica, I’m Done Just Existing, I Want to LIVE! Your Retreat Is the Key – I’m In!”

Meals Made with Love

At our retreat, each meal is a journey of flavors and nourishment, crafted with love and aligned with the ayahuasca diet. Enjoy delicious vegetarian, vegan and gluten free dishes served three times a day—breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Our culinary offerings are designed to refresh and revitalize, featuring vibrant vegetables and superfoods.
Throughout the day, enjoy refreshing coconut water and energizing açaí bowls, ensuring you stay hydrated and nourished. These superfood delights are a cornerstone of our plant-based menu, providing both comfort and vitality.
A highlight of your stay will be a special day with the local tribe, where you’ll savor an authentic indigenous meal. Experience the unique taste of locally hunted fish, expertly wrapped in banana leaves, accompanied by farinha de mandioca and traditional indigenous tea. This exquisite dish is a testament to the rich culinary heritage of the region.

WHY Caraiva you ask?

Because the first time I visited this enchanting village in Brazil, my experience was so transformative, I longed to return from the very moment I left.

The only way I can describe it is to say that the village is so magical and unspoiled, the people so warm-hearted and extraordinary, the connection to the ancestral indigenous culture so profound, and the location so remote – that I felt like I had stepped into a entirely different realm.

There’s something captivating about venturing out of your comfort zone and into breathtaking beauty. A part of you breaks open when you’re awe-struck to the core – it sets off fireworks within your neurons, opening you to possibilities that you never could have imagined.

Ideas spark in your mind,
the world changes rotation,
hearts burst open,
exotic birds rush across the sky,
and great mysteries are revealed…

You take a journey into your own soul and come out transformed, lighter, clearer, truer to your passion and purpose.
And NOTHING is ever the same again.
That’s WHY we go to Caraiva Brazil.
That’s WHY we wander.
And that’s WHY you must join us.

The people of Caraiva are a fascinating blend of indigenous people and local villagers who have a rich history filled with captivating legends and mythologies! in fact, the most incredible part of Caraiva is the legendary portal where the river meets the ocean. It is said that if you cross this portal while holding your intentions dear, your desires will manifest.

One of the highlights of our journey is a special visit to the local village, where we will participate in a powerful ceremony. We’ll immerse ourselves in their culture as they share their history, dance to their traditional music, indulge in their delicious Indigenous  cuisine. and You’ll have the opportunity to experience a herbal bath.

We’ll also join the tribe during a magical full moon ritual, where we’ll be enchanted by their beautiful singing in honor of the moon. Imagine yourself exploring kilometers of pristine beaches with no one around.
Caraiva cannot be described in any way – you simply must visit and experience the beauty of both the landscapes and the amazing people.

As service is an important part of our spiritual experience, you are welcome to bring any items you would like to donate to the local kids during our visit.

Jessica helped me to cut through my stories, fears and strategies, getting right to the core of what was limiting me in my life and giving me the clarity I needed to take action to make the changes that I truly wanted in my life. With her unconditional love, honesty, lighthearted humor, crystal clear clarity and lots of patience, she has helped me to shed so many lies and take my power back to create my life.
– Christine Vida

Robert JohnsonThemeNectar

I’m Ready to Discover My Purpose! This Retreat Is My Sign – Signing Up!

Our Journey

You find yourself in front of the campfire, gazing into the mesmerizing flames, you feel a deep yearning stirring within your soul. you hear Mother Ayahuasca’s whispers calling to you. She knows your heart’s desires – to break free from your past, discover your purpose, and step into a future filled with joy, resilience, and unshakable confidence. Every fiber of your being tells you it’s time to let go of what’s holding you back and embark on a life-changing journey.

But how do you heal childhood wounds that keep you stuck and unfulfilled? How do you release the anxiety, frustration, and resentment rooted in your life? And how do you uncover your unique gifts and step into your power as the confident, compassionate person you were meant to be?

Fear not, for in this sacred space, you’ll be guided every step of the way. Through powerful ceremonies and rituals, you’ll release the burdens of your past. With Mother Ayahuasca, energy healing, and fire rituals, you’ll let go of what no longer serves you, forgive yourself and others, and release past traumas and circumstances that have held you captive. Surrounded by the rainforest’s beauty, you’ll participate in workshops designed to help you release limiting beliefs and emotions, understanding and processing your feelings healthily.

As you connect with Mother Ayahuasca and like-minded people on the same path, you’ll feel the chains of the past loosening their grip. You’ll find the courage to step into a future filled with purpose, resilience, and deep inner peace.

This is your chance to heal, grow, and become the most authentic, empowered version of yourself. Join us on this sacred journey and discover the transformative power within you, waiting to be unleashed upon the world!

As you stand on the sacred grounds of Mother Earth, you feel her wisdom and love calling out to your soul. Your heart’s deepest desire? To be reborn, to shed the old skin of your past and emerge as the radiant, purposeful being you were always meant to be. Every cell in your body is telling you it’s time to step into this new version of yourself.

But how do you integrate the profound insights and transformations that await you? How do you embrace the new person you’re becoming, while honoring the journey that brought you here? And how do you carry this rebirth into every aspect of your life, creating lasting change that you can see and feel?

Have faith in the power of Mother Earth and the wisdom of our beloved Mother Ayahuasca. Trust in the ceremonies that will unfold, guiding you through this transformative process.

In a powerful act of intention, you’ll plant a seed infused with your heartfelt message in the sacred soil of Mother Earth. As you symbolically birth this new version of yourself, you’ll nurture its growth with the love and intentions you pour into the earth.

Through workshops designed to help you integrate these profound experiences, you’ll gain a deep understanding of the person you’ve become and how to embody this transformation in your daily life. You’ll discover how to bring your rebirth into your relationships, your work, and every aspect of your being.

As you craft a heartfelt letter to your future self, you’ll crystallize the essence of who you’ve become. This message will serve as a reminder of this pivotal moment, a touchstone to keep you connected to your truth as you navigate the path ahead and We will send this letter to you after a year. 

And these transformations aren’t just fleeting moments in time. You’ll take your new consciousness, fresh perspectives, and ability to shift your thoughts and emotions back home with you. You’ll see major results in your relationships, your career, your health, and every area of your life that matters most to you.

As the vibrations of the Tibetan bowls resonate through your being, you feel a profound shift taking place within you. The sacred sounds wash over you, realigning your chakra system and bringing every aspect of your being into harmony with the person you’ve become. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for – the opportunity to embody your soul’s mission and align all the pieces of your life with your true self.

Having released the emotions, traumas, and past experiences that no longer serve you, you now stand at the precipice of a new beginning. The forgiveness you’ve extended to others and yourself has created space for healing and growth, allowing you to embrace your authentic self fully. You are ready to step into alignment with your highest potential.

Through the practice of Life Purpose Mapping, you’ll gain clarity on the unique mission your soul came here to fulfill. Our final Ayahuasca ceremonies will help you integrate and realign every aspect of your being, ensuring that you embody your purpose on every level. Sound healing therapy will facilitate a profound realignment of your physical body with the new, purposeful version of yourself that has emerged.

As you prepare to return to the outside world, we’ll equip you with the tools you need to succeed. Our action planning workshops will provide you with a clear, practical strategy for implementing your purpose in your daily life. You’ll leave this retreat with a roadmap for living a life that is truly yours, one that is infused with meaning, purpose, and unshakable alignment. The commitment rituals you’ll create alongside your fellow participants will serve as a powerful source of motivation, helping you to take action and implement what you’ve learned as you return home. By making a sacred promise to yourself and the group, you’ll forge an unbreakable bond between your goals and your soul’s purpose, ensuring that you remain dedicated to fulfilling your life’s mission long after the retreat has ended

As you step into the sacred waters where the river meets the ocean, you feel the ancient legend of this land coming to life. With each step, you draw closer to the portal that holds the power to transform your deepest intentions into reality. Crossing this threshold, you hold the unwavering belief that within you lies the pure, limitless potential to create the extraordinary life you’ve always dreamed of.

Now that you have unleashed your pure potential, you hold the timeless possibility to envision and become whatever you desire. You have the right to be, have, and achieve anything your heart longs for because you have released the conditions that once held you back. In these days of pure potential, you will engage in exercises and activities designed to unlock your mind and help you see the incredible potential you already possess.

Through guided meditations on the beach, you will visualize your biggest dreams becoming a reality, seeing yourself as the person you want to become and living the life you’ve always desired. These powerful visualizations will anchor your newfound sense of potential into your being, allowing you to carry the magic of this transformative experience back into your daily life.

As you gather around the fire, surrounded by your new friends who trust in your potential and with the pulsing rhythms of live indigenous music, you’ll feel the pure joy and exhilaration of your own potential coursing through your veins. Dancing beneath the star-filled sky, you’ll celebrate the beautiful vision you’ve created for your life, knowing that anything is possible now that you’ve unlocked your true power.

Jessica, I’m Ready to Let Go! Sign Me Up to Heal and Step Into My Mission!

What’s Included

  • ALL our amazing  meals are included in this program starting with lunch on Dezember 9th and ending with breakfast on Dezember 19th.
    • Eleven incredible days together with daily deep-dive emotion/trauma release session and life purpose worshop and lots of juicy conversations!
    Pre-trip Preparation Video call
    • Pos-trip integration Video call
    10 nights’ accommodation in the heart of Caraiva, surrounded by nature’s tranquility
    • Authentic tribal experience, gaining insight into local traditions and way of life
    Three profound Ayahuasca ceremonies, guided by experienced Shamans
    • Daily yoga and meditation sessions to deepen your practice and find inner peace
    • Healing sound journey during a special group sound healing session
    • Traditional Rapé ceremony, allowing sacred father tobacco to cleanse the mind and open the spirit
    Canoe tour along the Caraiva River, where you’ll witness the awe-inspiring beauty of the sunset and moonrise simultaneously
    • All ground transportation within Caraiva.
    • Bottled water and various refreshments provided throughout the day to keep you hydrated and energised
    All activities listed in the included, allowing for full immersion without hidden costs
    • Live indigenous music and a joyful party celebrating your pure potential
    • Welcoming and inclusive environment for diverse participants, including LGBTQIA2S+ individuals
    • A percentage of your retreat fee will be donated on your behalf to support the Shanawawana tribe in the Amazon, helping to address their pressing needs and contributing to their sustainable development. By participating in this retreat, you’re not only investing in your own personal growth but also making a difference in the lives of an indigenous community in need.

What’s Not Included

• Your round-trip airfare from home
•Other non-included items would include souvenir shopping, personal phone calls, spa services, extra personal healing sessions with shaman, and laundry.
•Personal, medical or trip cancellation insurance

Flights: Arrive into the Porto Seguro Airport (BPS) on December 9th before 4pm if possible so we can pick you up and get you settled in before dinner. We recommend you depart December 19rd after lunch.

Your Bonuses

  • Get to know your fellow travelers in our private retreat Facebook group. Receive up-to-date trip info, get tips on how to prepare and make the most of our time together.
  • Build a deeper connection with everyone on our pre-trip Zoom call. Get clear on what you want for yourself on this journey and how to set your intent and begin the process of the retreat before we leave.
  • Post-Retreat call. We’ll check in with each other and see how we’re doing post retreat, what has changed, and what new actions we’re putting into place in your live early bird . We’ll make sure we’re not getting pulled back into any old habit patterns, so we can move foward knowing we’re exactly where we need to be right now.
  • For early bird registrants, we will be sending you a pre-kit for  microdose of the B. caapi ayahuasca vine. This will allow you to begin connecting with the spirit of the vine before the ceremony. By starting this process in advance, you’ll find it easier to integrate with Mother Ayahuasca when the time for the ceremony arrives.

Jessica, This is MY Time! I’m Ready to Discover my Life Purpose!

Jessica, should I join you? That’s a YES if…

  •  You have a strong desire to find your real purpose in life and uncover the unique gift that lies within you, just waiting to be brought to light.
  • You know that the hurt, worry, and sadness you may feel come from the unresolved traumas of your past, and you’re ready to let go.
  • You’re a seeker of truth, driven by a strong need for healing, self-discovery, and the desire to make a positive impact on the world.
  • You may be tired of second-guessing yourself, feeling insecure, and full of self-doubts.
  • You have faced countless challenges and struggles, but these experiences have only made you stronger, more resilient, and wiser.
  • You understand that facing your shadows and embracing your light will lead to transformation, and you are ready to face your fears head-on.
  • You want the guidance, tools, and support needed to create the life you truly desire and let go of the limiting beliefs that have held you back for too long.
  • You have immersed yourself in the wisdom of spiritual teachings and books on personal growth, yet you still feel there’s a missing piece to the puzzle.

If you resonate with five or more of these statements, then the Soulful Purpose Retreat was created specifically with YOU in mind. Immerse yourself in an 11-day transformative ayahuasca retreat, nestled in the heart of a sacred indigenous village in Brazil. This carefully curated experience combines the ancient wisdom of ayahuasca ceremonies with powerful healing modalities and soul-awakening workshops, all designed to guide you towards uncovering your life’s purpose and releasing the chains of past traumas.

What You’ll Take Home:

By the end of this transformational retreat, you’ll be radiating confidence from your core, fully connected to your inner wisdom. You’ll have uncovered your true calling and gained crystal clarity on your divine purpose in this world. With unwavering conviction, you’ll step into your soul’s mission, powerfully aligned with your life purpose.

Imagine diving deep into transformative Ayahuasca ceremonies and enlightening workshops, where you’ll finally release the fears and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back for far too long. You’ll heal past dramas and traumas, allowing your true self to emerge – vibrant, empowered, and unapologetically YOU.

But that’s just the beginning – you’ll also gain a powerful toolkit of transformative practices and daily rituals to conquer any challenge that dares to stand in your way. And here’s the real game-changer: you’ll be surrounded by a tribe of like-minded souls. Together, you’ll craft a personalized action plan to guide you in embodying your purpose and fulfilling your soul’s sacred mission, day after day.

This retreat is more than just an escape – it’s a catalyst for profound transformation that will echo through every facet of your existence for years to come. If you’re ready to claim your power, embrace your true calling, and unleash the full potential of your being, this is your invitation to enter on the journey of a lifetime.

Jessica, I’m IN! Save My Spot on This Life-Changing Retreat!

Meet Your Host!

Hey Beautiful soul,
My name is Jessica I am healer and the founder of  AyaDivine shop and Soulful Purpose Retreat! With great care and intention, I design retreats that combine ancient wisdom, modern techniques, and my own hard-won insights to guide participants on a journey of self-discovery, healing and transformation. My mission is to provide the tools, strategies, and experiences needed to break free from limiting beliefs, heal emotional wounds, and step into one’s life purpose.

My own journey to discovering my life purpose was a seven-year exploration filled with countless courses, books, workshops, seminars, and travel around the world to spiritual and sacred places. I delved deep into spirituality, personal growth, and the very essence of my soul, trying to understand my life purpose. While I gained invaluable knowledge and understanding in many aspects of my life, my life purpose was not yet 100% clear. It was through profound ayahuasca ceremonies that my purpose was finally revealed with crystal clarity by Mother Ayahuasca herself, who provided details on my soul mission.

In addition to discovering my life purpose, my journey has also been one of healing and resilience. Life has presented me with challenges in every possible way, and I knew that mastering resilience was an integral part of my purpose. I have learned to cultivate a resilient mindset and incorporate it into my daily life, understanding that many people face difficulties and setbacks. It’s my mission to help others develop the resilience needed to overcome adversity.
Through my retreats, I create a save space for individuals to explore their innermost selves, connect with their higher selves, and experience the profound transformation offered by Mother Ayahuasca. I believe that by stepping outside of our comfort zones, immersing ourselves in such experiences, and opening our hearts to new possibilities, we can tap into our infinite potential and create the life we truly desire, aligning with our soul’s mission.
I am deeply committed to facilitating experiences that touch the hearts of others, expand consciousness, and promote personal growth. I invite you to start on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation – a journey that will leave an indelible mark on your memory, consciousness, and heart.

A quote that embodies my philosophy is: “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” – Rumi

Registration & details can be found here!

Frequently asked questions

What is the early bird offer for the retreat?

To celebrate the launch of our retreat, we are providing a special early birds offer for the first few registrations. This is a unique opportunity for early birds to join our retreat at a more advantageous price. Our retreat is limited to only 12 people, and this early bird offer is available for a limited number of spots. It’s important to note that this is not a discount, but rather a special offer for those who act quickly and secure their spot during the early stages of our retreat’s release. If you are interested in attending our retreat, we highly recommend taking advantage of this early bird offer and registering as soon as possible. Once the early bird spots are filled, the retreat will only be available at the regular price. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to be part of our retreat at a special early bird price!

Will this retreat be beneficial for me if I have already found my life's purpose?

This retreat offers a unique opportunity for personal growth and healing. We all carry emotional baggage and past traumas that can hinder our progress and hold us back from reaching our full potential. The retreat provides a safe and supportive environment where you can acknowledge and release these limiting beliefs, patterns, and experiences that no longer serve you. Through various workshops, exercises, and sacred ceremonies, you’ll have the chance to explore self-discovery, forgiveness, and inner transformation.

Where is the retreat located, and how do I get there?

The retreat will be held in the charming village of Caraíva, situated in the state of Bahia, Brazil. Caraíva is known for its stunning natural beauty and proximity to indigenous communities. During the retreat, we will have the opportunity to visit and learn from the indigenous people who reside in the surrounding areas. Brazil is home to a diverse array of indigenous tribes, not only in the Amazon but also in other parts of the country.
To reach our retreat location, you will need to fly to Porto Seguro Airport, which is located approximately two hours by car from Caraíva Village. Don’t worry about transportation – we will provide a transfer service to pick you up from the airport and bring you directly to this enchanting village, ensuring a seamless and comfortable journey to the start of your transformative retreat experience.

Is Caraíva a safe place to travel to in Brazil?

Absolutely! Caraíva is a small, peaceful village that is considered very safe for travelers. The community is known for its friendly and welcoming atmosphere, making it a secure and comfortable destination for visitors from around the world.

Can I still participate in the retreat if I am taking prescription medication?

If you are currently taking prescription medication, we kindly ask that you contact us before registering for the retreat. It’s important for us to understand your individual needs and medical situation to ensure that the retreat experience is a safe and appropriate fit for you.

What is your cancellation policy?

Any cancellation will result in a total loss of $500 USD of your payment, with two exceptions:
Your payment is transferable in the event of an emergency or unforeseen circumstance preventing you from attending. You will have the option to apply it to a future AyaDivine – Soulful Purpose retreat.
We reserve the right to cancel the trip if it does not meet the minimum number of participants (in this case, your deposit is refunded in full).

Trip cancellation insurance is always recommended when making travel plans.

Still have a question?

Reach out to us at – We’re here to help!


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